This stylish Greek seafood restaurant, located on 48th street between 3rd and Lexington Avenue in Manhattan is one of the best in town. The design of the restaurant was put together to go along with the Mediterranean orientation of the menu. The entrance to the restaurant includes a wall clad with Jerusalem Gold in a hand Splitface finish, making the first impression warm and unique. The interior floor was paved with a four size pattern Jerusalem Gold in a tumbled finish, combined with Jerusalem Gold honed for the counter tops. The Mediterranean Jerusalem style completes the dining experience, making it not only tasty but also pleasant and stylish, leaving an after taste to come back for more.
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Have a question in mind? Do not hesitate to contact us. As the complexity of buildings to increase, the field of architecture became multi-disciplinary with technological expertise and discpline.
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290 Maryam Springs 260,
Courbevoie, Paris, France
+) 22 256 7890 [email protected]