Temple Emanu-El is a synagogue serving the greater San Diego Jewish community. The main idea behind the temple is to be make it a home, family and bring a warmth of tradition to its members. The building includes a synagogue, a Hebrew school, pre-school, adult learning center and a variety of Jewish outreach programs. In order to create the home and family atmosphere they used traditional Jerusalem Gold Limestone in a Hand Split Face finish for the exterior cladding of the building, Jerusalem Gold Fine Chiseled finish in a unique pattern for the entrance plaza and for the interior wall located next to the holy ark they used Natural Cleft with the Menorah engraved in the center.
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Have a question in mind? Do not hesitate to contact us. As the complexity of buildings to increase, the field of architecture became multi-disciplinary with technological expertise and discpline.
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290 Maryam Springs 260,
Courbevoie, Paris, France
+) 22 256 7890 [email protected]